“It has been held severally by this court that the function of an appellate court is primarily to determine whether a decision appealed against is right or wrong and not necessarily whether the reasons for the decision are right or wrong. See: Wilson Vs Oshin (2000) 5 SC (Pt.III) 1: (2000) LPELR-3497(SC) @ 36-31E – A; Arisa Vs. The State (1988) LPELR – 553(SC) @ 13-19F -A Ojegbende Vs Esan & Anor. (2001) LPELR= 2372 (SC) @ 31 C-D.” Per KUDIRAT MOTONMORI OLATOKUNBO KEKERE-EKUN, JSC in ALIYU V. NAMADI & ORS (2023-LCER-48013-SC) @ P. 48; Paras. E-G.
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