Managing Conflicts In Organisations

“Though, conflict in the workplace is traumatic and unpleasant, they are unpredictable events that cannot be ignored. These conflicts can arise unexpectedly, involving disputes between management and staff, among staff members, and even between clients and staff. Nonetheless, whenever it arises it must be handled with care to prevent hostility and bias which may affect the activities and effective performance of staff in the firm.”

Private M&A Comparative Guide

“The key benefit of structuring a private M&A as an asset acquisition is the limitation of the liabilities that the acquirer will be assuming upon completion, as the acquirer may elect to purchase assets with little to no exposure to risks/potential risks. The disadvantage of an asset acquisition is the rigorous post-completion process, which will typically involve:”

Introductory Guide To Debt And Business Recovery

“Investments such as shares and stocks are acceptable securities for bank loans; a person who has valuable investments may use them to secure bank loans. Formerly, borrowers seeking to use shares as security would need to deposit the share certificates with the Bank however, with the establishment of the Central Securities Clearing System and the digitization of the shareholding system in Nigeria, all the parties need to do is request that the CSCS move the affected shares into a reserved lien account in favor of the Bank.”

How to Leverage your Contributory Pension – Unlocking Wealth in the Real Estate Sector

“Using a percentage of your pension contribution to buy properties is highly tax-efficient as the State provides tax relief on contributions made to pension schemes and the growth in their investments. This is highly recommended to workers who want to purchase properties to take advantage of the tax breaks that are on offer through their pension scheme. It is a win-win situation, partly because of the tax benefits available and also because any rent paid for the property is not lost to a third party.”

Developing a New National Space Policy for Nigeria

However, the current focus of the space program involves the development of Earth observation and communication satellites. Nigeria has since launched six satellites namely:  NigeriaSat-1 (2003), NigComSat-1 (2007), NigeriaSat-2 (2011), Nigeriasat-X (2011), NigComSat-1R (2011) and NigeriaEduSat-1 (2017). The success of these programs should signify that the Nigeria Space Policy has been successful; however, as the country moves closer to its 2025 policy deadline, there is a lot left undone. One of the cardinal objectives of the space policy was to establish a full-capacity rocket launch facility in Nigeria.  Despite having barely 3 years left of its policy, Nigeria only has a rocket testing facility

Electoral Act 2022, The Implication and Developmental Trend it Brings to Electoral Process in Nigeria.

Cornelius Okey Gabriel The electoral process of a state goes a long way in the determination of governance in the given state. The electoral process is an ideal and integral part of the democratic process, whether in a developed or developing nation. A malfunctioning electoral system inadvertently produces maladministration or bad governance. In most developing…