General Advantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property Disputes

Intellectual property disputes can involve highly technical scientific matters and complex legal issues, but not every country has specialized intellectual property courts or judges. Thus, when judges and juries lack the necessary expertise to fully comprehend the complex factual, technical and legal issues at stake, considerable time and resources may be required to present the relevant technologies and laws to them. ADR processes allow parties

The Basics of Software Copyright

Also, software copyright can be infringed without necessarily making a copy of the code. The mere use of an original computer program to create the same functionality in a new program would suffice as an infringement. Even if none of the original code is used, the copyright in the original program may in some cases be infringed. For example, using an original computer program for “inspiration” to create the same functionality in a new program.

New Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited unveiled

Section 54 of the PIA, provides that all assets and liabilities of the NNPC will be transferred to NNPC Ltd within the first 18 months of the PIA coming into effect. Further to that, Subsection 2 of the Act states that any assets, interests, or liabilities not transferred shall remain that of the NNPC until extinguished or transferred to the government. This means that some toxic assets may be excluded. With this transition taking effect, existing contracts and Joint Operating Agreements (JOAs) with NNPC will be evaluated and transferred in line with agreed principles to ensure business continuity.

Retrospective Operation of Statute: An Overview Of Section 35(5) Of Amcon Act, 2019.

Retrospective operation of Statute is an application of the law to actions, which existed prior to the enactment of the said law. That is, such laws change or alter the legal consequences of acts that took place prior to its enactment. A retrospective law impairs an existing right by creating or imposing a new liability for an act committed before the enactment of a law. A retrospective legislation is contrary to the general principle of prospective operation of law; which provides for and, regulates the future acts of men, and does not interfere in any way with what happened in the past. The question that we face during the applicability of retrospective law is whether a statute or law, should be given a retrospective effect, which takes away or impairs an existing right or impose a new liability.

Basic Insights Music Artistes should know about Intellectual Property Rights

Beverley Agbakoba-Onyejianya & Pauline Mbanza OAL This short article gives a basic insight into what every budding artiste should know about their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)  in music, it is also for anyone interested in the music industry and the technicalities involved. Intellectual property refers to the creations of the mind such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs…