Access To Foreign Exchange In Nigeria For Imported Goods -Reversal Of Ban

“The restricted items included a range of products such as Rice, Cement, Margarine, Palm kernel, Palm oil products, Vegetable oils, Meat and processed meat products, Vegetables and processed vegetable products, Poultry and processed poultry products, Private Airplanes/Jets, Indian Incense, Tinned fish in sauce (Geisha)/sardine, Cold rolled steel sheets, Galvanized steel sheets, Wheelbarrows, Head pans, and more.”

The Benefits Of Arbitration For Resolving Cross-Border Commercial Disputes

“The parties are free to choose where the arbitration takes place and what law and institutional rules will govern the arbitration and procedure. Arbitration also offers greater procedural flexibility than litigation. Parties may agree on time limits, confidentiality, location of oral hearings, the language of documents and hearings, and even whether the tribunal will make a decision according to law or justice and fairness. For example, the parties may agree to conduct the arbitration with a limited time for the presentation of oral evidence, or even with no oral evidence at all.”

Electricity Act 2023: Deepening The Exploration Of Nigeria’s Renewable Energy Potentials.

“In recent times, newer policies have been developed to deploy more modern approach to the development of the country’s renewable energy space. These policies include the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy (NREEEP), 2015; the Draft Rural Electrification Strategy and Implementation Plan (RESIP), 2016; the approved National Energy Masterplan (Revised 2022) and the Renewable Energy Roadmap for Nigeria 2023 (REMAP).

Remarkably, the Nigeria energy sector has….”

Private Equity Laws And Regulations Nigeria 2023

“Despite the overall positive outlook, the general global trend of rising inflation, geopolitical risks and other fiscal pressures continue to be a hindrance and to influence the way transactions are executed. For instance, there has been an increasing shift to debt and quasi-equity transactions, as investors attempt to hedge their risks. It is also expected that more investment activities will be witnessed following the 2023 Nigerian general elections.”

Managing Conflicts In Organisations

“Though, conflict in the workplace is traumatic and unpleasant, they are unpredictable events that cannot be ignored. These conflicts can arise unexpectedly, involving disputes between management and staff, among staff members, and even between clients and staff. Nonetheless, whenever it arises it must be handled with care to prevent hostility and bias which may affect the activities and effective performance of staff in the firm.”

Private M&A Comparative Guide

“The key benefit of structuring a private M&A as an asset acquisition is the limitation of the liabilities that the acquirer will be assuming upon completion, as the acquirer may elect to purchase assets with little to no exposure to risks/potential risks. The disadvantage of an asset acquisition is the rigorous post-completion process, which will typically involve:”

Introductory Guide To Debt And Business Recovery

“Investments such as shares and stocks are acceptable securities for bank loans; a person who has valuable investments may use them to secure bank loans. Formerly, borrowers seeking to use shares as security would need to deposit the share certificates with the Bank however, with the establishment of the Central Securities Clearing System and the digitization of the shareholding system in Nigeria, all the parties need to do is request that the CSCS move the affected shares into a reserved lien account in favor of the Bank.”

The Basics of Software Copyright

Also, software copyright can be infringed without necessarily making a copy of the code. The mere use of an original computer program to create the same functionality in a new program would suffice as an infringement. Even if none of the original code is used, the copyright in the original program may in some cases be infringed. For example, using an original computer program for “inspiration” to create the same functionality in a new program.